Advantages and applications of industrial burners

Advantages of industrial burners

Industrial burners offer many advantages over more traditional heat generation technologies, such as:

Greater Efficiency:   Industrial burners allow for better control of fuel and air/gas inputs, ensuring optimal levels during combustion operations, 

resulting in more efficient combustion.

Smaller Maintenance Requirements: Newer burner technology ensures the system maintains any adjustments made by the user, resulting in increased reliability during operation 

and better consistency between operations without requiring extensive operator supervision .

Better cost-effectiveness: 

Replacing existing burners with newer models helps improve process efficiency, including energy utilization. This quality reduces overall 

operating costs.

Lower emission levels: 

Some industrial burners use recovered heat from previous operations to increase temperatures within the system without increasing the 

overall emissions produced.

At Custom Thermal Applications, we understand that every industry faces unique challenges in an ever-changing world. Given volatile fossil 

fuel prices and increasingly stringent emissions standards, companies using combustion systems must look for more efficient burner technologies. Our team is here to help. We provide customizedhigh-efficiency burner solutions to meet each customer's unique application needs.

Industrial burner applications

Industrial burners are widely used in combustion equipment and systems such as boilers, furnaces, heaters, kilns, ovens and dryers in a variety of industries,

  1. chemical processing

  2. Food and Beverage Processing

  3. glass production

  4. Metal

  5. mining

  6. pulp and paper

  7. manufacturing